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10 Creative Ways to Find Inspiration for Your Writing

Inspiration isn’t always a constant thing. We can get plenty of it, but sometimes it’s like it takes a little holiday – at least that’s how it feels for me. As writers and business owners, we all face moments when inspiration seems elusive, and our creativity feels stagnant. Whether you’re battling blockages that are impacting your creativity, or if you’re simply seeking new ideas to keep your creativity fresh and exciting, igniting your inspiration is key.

Here are ten creative ways to reignite your passion and fuel your writing journey…


1. Change Your Environment

Sometimes, all it takes to spark creativity is a change of scenery. Try writing in a new location—whether it’s a café, park, or a different room in your home. A fresh environment can provide new sensory experiences and perspectives that fuel your creativity.

2. Read Outside Your Genre

Exploring different genres can open your mind to new styles, themes, and ideas. If you usually write non-fiction, delve into some poetry or fiction. If you’re a novelist, try reading biographies or essays. The diversity of thought and language can inspire you in unexpected ways.

3. Engage in Creative Activities

Engage in other forms of creativity, like drawing, painting, or playing music. These activities can stimulate your brain in different ways and often lead to new ideas or breakthroughs in your writing.

4. Practice Freewriting

Set a timer for 10 to 15 minutes and write whatever comes to mind without worrying about structure, grammar, or coherence. Freewriting can unlock subconscious thoughts and ideas that can be developed into larger projects.

5. Use Writing Prompts

Writing prompts can be a great way to jumpstart your creativity. They push you to think outside the box and explore ideas you might not have considered. Set a challenge to use a new prompt every day and see where it takes you.

6. Draw Inspiration from Nature

Spending time in nature can be incredibly rejuvenating. The sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world can stir emotions and ideas that translate beautifully into writing. Take a walk, sit by a body of water, or simply observe the sky—let nature’s beauty inspire your words.

7. Attend Workshops or Writing Groups

On the whole, I tend to be a loner, but engaging with other writers (even if it’s just once in a while) can provide fresh perspectives and new ideas. Workshops and writing groups offer a supportive environment where you can share your work, receive feedback, and gain inspiration from the creativity of others.

8. Reflect on Personal Experiences

A wise person once told me to write what ‘I know’. I thought it was a piece of boring advice, if I’m honest, but now I’m more experienced in writing, I see the value of this. Your own life experiences are a rich source of inspiration. Reflect on your memories, emotions, and personal growth. Writing about what you’ve lived through can add depth and authenticity to your work.

9. Keep a Journal

Maintaining a daily journal can help you capture fleeting thoughts and ideas that might otherwise be lost. It’s also a space where you can experiment with new ideas, document your feelings, and explore different writing styles without pressure.

10. Embrace the Unfamiliar

Step out of your comfort zone and try something new—visit a museum, attend a cultural event, or take up a new hobby. Exposure to new experiences and perspectives can lead to unexpected inspiration and broaden your writing horizons.

Inspiration is all around you, often in the most unexpected places. By changing your routine, exploring different genres, and engaging with the world in new ways, you can reignite your creativity and keep your writing fresh.

Remember, the key is to stay curious and open-minded, allowing inspiration to flow naturally.

Much love,
Janet XOXO

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