How to Increase Your Self-Confidence in 3 Easy Steps so You Can Kick-Ass
When I work with clients who want to write a book but haven’t made a start, we start to explore why they haven’t started. There are common themes when it comes to their reasons, for example, some people believe they don’t have the skills, while others don’t have the right mindset, but for others, they simply don’t have the confidence. Lack of self-confidence can hold you back in many aspects of your life, so here are 3 top tips to help you increase your confidence so you can kick ass and do anything you want to do! ‘I’m not like them (influencer, public figure, celebrity)…’ Unfortunately, we live in a…
Secure Your Income by Creating an Amazing Writer’s Business Model
If writing has been a side hustle for you, but you want to start and make a full-time income from this. you need to create a business model. When you’re a business owner, you create a business model because it gives you direction, as it helps you understand where your money is going to come from. If you find that your products and services won’t bring in the money you desire, you can rethink your ideas, tweak your goal, or consider other streams of income that are more passive and won’t impact too much of your time. It also helps you create the business goals you need, which form the…